
Wesness D N Nagar

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Cosmos Plaza, D.N.Nagar, Andheri,



21st Jun




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About Event

Fitness With Fashion.
The team at Westside and Fitpage have come together to bring you a wellness journey. It is simple, stylish and effective and is going to put a smile on your face everytime you are here.
Presenting Yoga wellness for your Spine. 8 sessions to help you rid yourself of lower back discomfort and prepare your body to look more aesthetic by correcting your spinal posture.
1st Session - 3rd June
2nd Session - 7th June
3rd Session - 10th June
4th Session - 14th June
5th Session - 17th June
6th Session - 21st June
7th Session - 24th June
8th Session - 01st July

Event Category

Here are the available races for Wesness D N Nagar
Yoga (8 Sessions)
category-locationCosmos Plaza, D.N.Nagar, Andheri, Mumbai
12:00:00 AM

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